The specifications and safety manuals of this membranes provided by manufacturer should be read before installation process. Fire safety and prevention is the most important while using this membrane.
All inflammable materials from roofs to be removed and good roofing practices should be followed.
The bituminous waterproofing membranes are unfolded on the site and laid firmly on surface with tar based adhesives using blowtorches.
A layer of bituminous water proof membrane is laid over the structural roof which acts as a shield against the seepage of water onto the roof. Roof tiles & membrane is applied over the filler material laid to slope to pass the flow of water into drains. A proper slope is necessary to allow the water to flow steadily to drains.
These membranes have 2 to 4 mm thick water proof materials. Membrane should be flexible with elongation 150 % to cover any small cracks, strong, chemical & UV resistant, flexibl